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What's New at El Cajon Rotary!
On January 22, 2024, Rotary responded to the recent announcement that the United States intends to withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO), a partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). We remain resolute in our mission to eradicate polio. As a founding partner of the GPEI, Rotary has for decades worked closely with all the GPEI partners, the U.S. government, and other governments to end polio worldwide. This effort has reduced the number of children paralyzed by polio by 99.9% since 1988. The global effort to eradicate polio has innovated many times over the years to come close to protecting every last child.
Mark your calendars today so that you don't miss this year's District Training Assembly in March.  The Assembly is promised to be a very worthwhile experience where you will take away some great ideas on how to make our club better than ever.  Infused with new energy and engaging topics, you will be thrilled you attended.  More information and a link to register will be forthcoming.
All past presidents of the El Cajon Rotary Club are invited to join us in a celebration honoring you.  Please join us on February 18 at noon for lunch at Hooleys in Rancho San Diego.  It's a long-standing tradition for past presidents to gather and reminisce about past accomplishments.  We hope to hear many good stories this year.  It would be helpful if you could RSVP your attendance to sandyp304@gmail.com to aid us in our lunch count and seating.  Should you require transportation assistance, please let us know.
On November 16, 2024, members of the Rotary Club of El Cajon refurbished picnic tables that had been previously donated to St. Madeleine Sophie's Center. Some tables were so rotted they had to be replaced. After construction and refurbishment, club members painted them. Once dry, the Rotary emblem was stenciled onto the tables before they were returned to the center for use. Visitors to the center will mostly find these tables in the garden area. The Rotary Club of El Cajon has long supported St. Madeleine Sophie's Center.
On November 1, Club members will embark on their annual journey to the Thousand Smiles facility in Ensenada, Mexico. They plan to buy supplies and, upon arrival, will prepare sandwiches for the families present with their loved ones receiving treatment. Thousand Smiles is a nonprofit organization operating across borders, staffed entirely by volunteers, and provides comprehensive programs for cleft lip, palate, dental, and hearing care in a permanent clinic in Mexico. Their mission is to deliver the finest care, education, and ongoing support to children in need and their families. Details of this service project will be featured in the December issue of this bulletin.
In San Diego County, more than 350,000 individuals struggle with hunger, while 38% of the food produced is wasted. Feeding San Diego is committed to ensuring that those facing hunger receive nutritious meals through efficient food rescue operations. The food is often sourced from large grocery stores, which donate products that cannot be sold due to shelf-life constraints, discoloration, irregularities, or excess inventory. This food undergoes a sorting process to remove any spoiled items before it is packaged for distribution.
This past month, The El Cajon Rotary Club took on the task of sorting pears and, with the help of other volunteers, succeeded in preparing 9,200 pounds of pears to be distributed among 3,000 families.
20 community organizations were honored at the El Cajon Rotary Club's Annual Grant Night dinner held on Monday, October 1 at Hooley's in Rancho San Diego.  Each of these organizations were awarded a grant to further their work in improving the lives of those in our community and surrounding areas.  Some of the areas addressed were homelessness, food insecurity, literacy, veteran needs, youth services, maternity care, domestic violence and more.
    El Cajon Rotary club toured the East County Advanced Water Purification Project site.  This Program is creating a new, local, sustainable and drought-proof drinking water supply.  The Program will use state-of-the-art technology to purify East San Diego County's drinking water supply.   The Program provides East San Diego County with increased control of its water supply.  This independence secures a long-term solution for the continued water supply stability in our communities and safeguards the vitality of our economy and quality a life.  Their goals' supports one of Rotary's Areas of Focus - Access to Clean Water.
    Home Page News
    Rotary’s top priority continues to be the eradication of Polio worldwide.  This year, there have been 17 cases of Wild Poliovirus – 9 in Afghanistan and 8 in Pakistan.   Eradicating a disease is a big job and we need your help to advocate, educate, and fundraise.  

    This is an important topic. There is information and resources available for you at www.endpolionow.org, and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (www.polioeradication.org) provides detailed information on how Rotary and its partners work together to eradicate Polio. 
    Interested in Rotary
    Club Information
    El Cajon

    Service Above Self

    We meet In Person
    Tuesdays at 12:00 PM
    Hooleys Rancho San Diego
    2955 Jamacha Rd Suite 21A
    El Cajon, CA 92019
    United States of America
    Our lunch meetings are generally the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.
    Club Executives & Directors
    Past President
    Executive Secretary/Director
    Donate To El Cajon Rotary
    Donate to El Cajon Rotary Now.
    Birthdays & Anniversary
    Member Birthdays:
    • Dawn Ivy
      February 4
    • David Johnston
      February 8
    • Tim McDougal
      February 10
    • Frances Burnett
      Bob Burnett
      February 29
    Join Date:
    • Joe Perucca
      February 12, 2023
      2 years
    • Stu Scott
      February 17, 2004
      21 years
    Is it YOUR Time?
    Meeting and Project Dates
    Chelsey Kogo
    Feb 11, 2025 12:00 PM
    Buddhist Temple of San Diego Drummers
    Cherri and Kay Hawthorne
    Feb 25, 2025
    Southwest Search Dogs